Biblioteka Publiczna

w Dzielnicy REMBERTÓW Warszawy


Notes from a small island

Autor: Bryson, Bill

n 1995, before leaving his much-loved home in North Yorkshire to move back to the States for a few years with his family, Bill Bryson insisted on taking one last trip around Britain, a sort of valedictory tour of the green and kindly island that had so long been his home. His aim was to take stock of the nation`s public face and private parts (as it were), and to analyse what precisely it was he loved so much about a country that had produced Marmite; a military hero whose dying wish was to be

kissed by a fellow named Hardy; place names like Farleigh Wallop, Titsey and Shellow Bowells; people who said `Mustn`t grumble`, and ?Ooh lovely’ at the sight of a cup of tea and a plate of biscuits; and Gardeners` Question Time. Notes from a Small Island was a huge number-one bestseller when it was first published, and has become the nation`s most loved book about Britain, going on to sell over two million copies.

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:Bill Bryson.
Hasła:Powieść angielska - 20 w.
Adres wydawniczy:London : Black Swan, 1998.
Opis fizyczny:352 s. ; 20 cm.
Uwagi:Tekst w jęz. ang.
Powiązane zestawienia:Humor, satyra, groteska - powieści, opowiadania, inne formy
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Wyp. nr 55
ul. Gawędziarzy 8

Sygnatura: J. ANG.
Numer inw.: 47825
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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