Biblioteka Publiczna

w Dzielnicy REMBERTÓW Warszawy


The devil`s alternative

Autor: Forsyth, Frederick

As the Russian people face starvation, the Politburo is faced with a hard choice: negotiate with America for food, go to war for national survival, or deal with an uprising in the motherland. Through an informant, British Agent Adam Munro learns that the situation is growing dangerously tense, with powerful forces in the USSR maneuvering for supremacy.
But even as East and West conduct delicate talks, events spiral out of control and threaten to undo every step taken. The world’s

largest oil tanker is hijacked by terrorists, and a Ukrainian “freedom fighter" is rescued in a bloody catastrophe on the Black Sea.
From Moscow to Washington, the stakes grow ever more perilous as the mad actions of a few threaten to engulf the entire world in nuclear war—unless Munro can stop them.

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:Frederick Forsyth.
Hasła:Powieść angielska - 20 w.
Adres wydawniczy:London : Arrow Books, 1995, c1979.
Opis fizyczny:479p 18cm
Uwagi:Reprint of ed. originally published, London: Hutchinson, 1979
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Wyp. nr 55
ul. Gawędziarzy 8

Sygnatura: J. ANG.
Numer inw.: 46428
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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